Lee's Tae Kwon Do Academy

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Dare to Dream Again


Dare to Dream Again 

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”
–Teddy Roosevelt

Do you remember when you were a child and no dream seemed too big? Some of us thought we'd walk on the moon, some dreamed of being President of the United States, and others imagined stepping to the plate in a big league game. Every one of us, when we were young, had a common trait: we were dreamers. The world hadn't revealed to us yet that we couldn't always achieve what our hearts longed for. And we were still years away from realizing that, in some cases, we weren't built for achieving our dream, like realizing in junior year of high school that you're too short and slow to play professional basketball. The dreamer is always the last to know. Eventually we started to let our dreams die. People began to tell us that we couldn't do the things we wanted. It was impossible. Responsible people don't pursue their dreams. Settle down, get a job, be dependable. Take care of business, live the mundane, be content.Do you know what I say to that? Hooey! It's time to dream again! Why?

Here are just a few reasons:

• You'll avoid regret. The facts are in, and someday we'll all lie on our deathbeds, looking back through the history of our lives. We'll undoubtedly think about what we wished we'd done or accomplished. If you don't want to regret what could've been, what should've been, decide today to pursue your dreams.

• You'll make the world a better place. All of the great accomplishments that have ever happened began with a person who had a dream. Somebody rebuffed the naysayers and said to themselves, "This can be done, and I'm the one who'll do it." And, in many instances, they changed the world for the better. It isn't just the Martin Luther King, Jrs. and the JFKs either. Think of all the people we've never heard of who have started things large and small that help people worldwide every day.

• Personal and familial fulfillment. One of the things that happens when we stop pursuing our dreams is a little piece of us dies and we become disheartened, if only in that area of our lives. Stepping up and pursuing your dream rekindles that passion and zeal that everyone has the capacity for, and lets us experience fulfillment. Having a purpose puts the zip in our step and the zing in our emotions!

• You'll leave a legacy. How will your children remember you? As one who sought all that life had to offer, using your gifts and talents to their fullest extent, leading the family with a zest for life, or as an overweight couch potato who could've been? Our kids need to see that we dream; that we search for something better. They, in turn, will do the same.

Where do we start? Here are some ideas:

• Reconnect with your dream. Set aside some time to let yourself dream. What have you placed on the back burner in order to live the status quo? Settle on one or two dreams that you can and will pursue. Don't come up with too many, that will only deter you further.
• Decide that you'll do it. This may seem elementary, but many people never decide and commit fully to their dream. They simply keep thinking about it. Tell others that you're going to do it. This puts you on the record as to what you're dreaming about. It makes you accountable. It'll help you do it, if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassment.
• Develop a step-by-step plan. This is absolutely essential. You must sit down and write out:
1) A timeline. How long will it take to the end?
2) Action steps. Point by point what you'll do and when you'll do them.
3) Resources you'll need to draw from. What'll it take? Who will need to be involved for help or advice?
4) An evaluation tool. You need to evaluate from time to time whether you're progressing or not.
5) A celebration. Yep, when you're done, you should already have planned what you'll do to celebrate. Make it big! Set aside some time today to get started on your dream. Follow the action plan and set your sights high. You'll be glad you did!