Lee's Tae Kwon Do Academy

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To be a success is not always to be a success individually. In fact, most of the time we achieve our successes as part of a team. Here are some principles that I know, when implemented on a regular basis, can turn any lackluster school into an outstanding one!


The leader needs to communicate the vision. If they are setting the pace, they need to let people know where they are going so that the students can follow.


Watch a good basketball team. They are talking to each other all of the time. Helping one another out, encouraging one another, praising one another, and telling each other how they can make changes so the same mistakes aren’t made again.


The secret to getting things done lies not only in great leadership, but in how well the rest of the people, 99% of the school, follows the leadership.

Understanding Roles

Every school works best when the members of the school have clearly defined and understood roles. Some do one thing, others do another. One isn’t better or more important than the other, just different.


The school that plays together stays together. Is your school all work and no play? If you’re smart, that will change. Get your students out of the school once a month and go have some fun. It will bring a sense of bonding that can’t be made even in “winning.”

Common Goals and Vision

I have found that these need to have three aspects. Short, simple and clear. So it’s easy to remember, do, and fathom.


The instructor shows it to the students, the students show it to the instructor, and the students show it to one another.