Lee's Tae Kwon Do Academy

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A Challenge is a Good Thing

The beginning of a new year means new challenges, new goals, a fresh start, and the chance to lead yourself and others to something better.

To achieve something, you have to have a challenge. Without it, you have no purpose, no direction, and no destination.

In martial arts, overcoming challenges are one of the founding traits in its lessons. Without a challenge, how can you grow? How can you feel success? Leaders of today, such as instructors, pave the way for their followers, such as their students, enabling them to identify their challenges and how to defeat them, so they can eventually become their own leader and lead others, just as it was done for them.

This is what the martial arts are all about: being confident and positive in order to gain the opportunity to turn challenges into achievements, which is done by being consistent and expressing leadership qualities when challenges arise.