Lee's Tae Kwon Do Academy

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Focus On Control

One secret behind advancement in anything is control, and this is especially the case in your martial arts training. Control is the signature and one of the most important com­ponents for achieving proficiency or mastery. To possess control means that you are in charge and taking responsibility.

Initially, in the martial arts learning about control is very personal. The three primary areas that you should seek to have control are in your body, breath, and mind:


  1. Flexibility in body is necessary for having control in kicking. Work at achieving full splits to the side and front of the body in order to develop powerful and high side and front kicks.

  2. Speed also requires great control for quickness in all sorts of hand strikes. Practice throwing as many punches as you can in thirty seconds to build greater speed as you strive to improve the amount each time.

  3. Accuracy certainly requires con­trol to kick or punch in the right place. Work with a partner attempt­ing to hit a moving focus pad with various kicks and punches to gain better accuracy.


  1. Relaxing your breath during spar­ring takes a lot of control. Do three minute rounds of sparring with a partner while concentrating on calm­ing your breath the whole time.

  2. Fuller breaths only come with great control, but they give you more energy. During warm-ups, as you’re stretching, work at breath­ing using the diaphragm to open up your lungs for fuller breathing.


  1. Focusing the mind in a confus­ing world is the epitome of control. Build up your focus by setting aside time each day for quiet meditation where you focus on one idea.

  2. Intention toward a goal requires a controlled mind. To develop even greater intent, practice a break­ing technique by maintaining the thought of penetrating your target.
    When you gain control over these areas in yourself, you will be walk­ing down a path toward mastery. Use the practical exercises to gain control over your body, breath, and mind because control is what the martial arts are all about.