Keep Moving At Home & in the Community

Healthy Ways

  • Participate in a local road race.

  • Go swimming at your local recreation center.

  • Sign up for dance lessons with a friend.

  • Wash the car.

  • Plant and care for a vegetable garden (then cook the vegetables for healthy meals).

  • Find your inner child—build a snowman or rake the leaves then jump in your piles.

  • Start your day with a morning stretch or end your day with calming yoga.

  • Keep a list of quick activities, like squats or stretches, near the remote so that you can be active during, commercial breaks.

  • Shovel snow, rake leaves, or do yard work.

  • Grab a basketball or football for a quick pick-up game at a local park.

  • Experience the Great Outdoors and go for a hike or bike ride.

  • Join a community sports school or league, like soccer, rugby, or softball.



