To prepare is to bring forth, to make ready, to make suitable, to train or learn. All of these things are to prepare. All of them are correct applications when it comes to working toward your goals. Preparation brings you closer to your goals. When it comes to achieving your biggest goals and dreams nothing can match the preparation of your plan. Without your prepared plan you cannot take proper action.
Preparation is a key to success. In order to achieve your goals, you must write down a clear and specific plan. A clear and specific plan is like a blueprint for a house or a map for finding a location. If you don’t write out your plans, they will become easy to forget.
You will hesitate and doubt that you will achieve your goals. Preparing your plan for achieving a goal is similar to breaking a brick. When you look at a brick that you want to break with a punch in martial arts you have to prepare your mind by focusing through the brick. If you prepare by focusing through the brick it will break. If you only prepare by looking “to” the brick your hand will break. Just like you prepare your plans for achieving a goal. Your plan must have prepared steps to help you all the way through the goal. Focus through your goals with the right plan or you will always fall just short of achieving your goal and hurt yourself.
In order to proceed with your plans, they must be well organized. Such preparation saves time, energy, money, reduces stress and convinces your unconscious mind that you can carry out your plans. You will enjoy going after your goals even more when you are prepared.