The Legend of Master Yong Sook


The Legend of Master Yong Sook Tales & Traditions

Never before had man and weapon come together in such perfect harmony. Master Yong Sook was indestructible with his staff, and students lined up at his door for teaching. That was 50 years ago. Master Yong Sook's skills had long since faded into memories for folks in his hometown. These days, people recognized him as a grumpy, old man. Shopkeepers pretended to be closed if they saw him coming. Young boys snuck down alleys to avoid him. No one liked him, and he didn't like himself. The master resented his age, so he refused to instruct students in the art of the bo. His attitude towards life had crumbled and wrinkled, like his aging skin. Yet, deep within, passion and vigor still existed in Master Yong Sook, although he didn't show it to neighbors and townsfolk.

For when he arrived home and shuttered the windows and doors, the master unveiled the one thing he still had positive feelings for: his bo staff. And he was still incredible. After a long training session, Master Yong Sook had a vision. His mind replayed the nasty ways he'd been treating people over the years. No one liked him anymore, but he used to be the town hero! There, in his private dojo, he vowed to change. He would show everyone that he was still the great master they once knew. The next day, Master Yong Sook strolled to the town marketplace. A hush fell over shoppers and merchants, and everyone looked away. A few shops, of course, mysteriously closed. In the master's hand was a large basket of apples. To the surprise of the crowd, he circled the marketplace and handed each person an apple.

"My neighbors, I apologize for sharing my misery with you for so many years. Today, I will share my happiness. It is my staff that embodies all that is positive in my life. Please take these apples and throw them at me as revenge for my ill behavior," the master shouted, standing alone in the center of the open air market.

The young boys laughed and women hid their chuckles. Finally, one youngster pelted an apple at the master's back. Just as the apple was about to strike, the master swung the bo behind his back and crushed the fruit in mid-air. The crowd responded in awe. Within seconds, apples flew at Yong Sook from all directions, and with the agility of a young warrior, he split each one with the ends of his staff. Not one hit the master. Silence fell over the marketplace. The master stared at the ground, then looked up. The townsfolk stood in shock, because there was something they hadn't seen in many years.

On Master Yong Sook's face was a smile. Change he promised, and change he delivered. From that day forth, Yong Sook returned to former status as town hero. He reopened his school and was flooded with students ready to learn his teachings. The staff was rumored to be magical since that day in the marketplace, but it was simply infused with the master's positive attitude. All of his students learned that a powerful, positive attitude lived inside each of them, and to bring it forth into the world every day. Otherwise, you might have to swat 100 apples out of the air to prove you're not such a bad guy after all.


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