What is Success?
I believe you were, “Made for Success”! But then this begs the question: Just what is success? So, join me as I wax philosophical and pursue this question in this brief article.
Success has been an elusive term since the beginning of time. For ages, men and women have pursued that which would make them happy and fulfilled. At the same time they have tried to determine that which would make them feel as though they have achieved success.
Some have defined success themselves, while others have been content to have others, or societies at large, define success for them. We would most certainly all agree that to a large degree, “success” is defined by the individual or group that is pursuing it. To truly understand success, one must first understand the nature of human beings. In the past, success has come to be measured by a basic core
of measurable objectives, all of which, in and of themselves are fine, but in and of themselves are totally inadequate to fulfill a person. Some of these are:
Money. The accumulation of money has always been a pursuit of man. The more money the better, it has been believed. And yet many who have achieved this end have looked back at the rest of us and warned that it isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. Now, don’t get me wrong, having money is not a bad thing. Money is neutral. What people allow money to do to them, is not. So the pursuit of money, in the right frame of mind, can be a good thing.
Power. Power, like money, is high on the list of success goals. And, like money, power is bad or good based on the use it receives in the hands of people. Power, whether political or simply untitled influence, can be a good thing
Happiness. This is almost entirely subjective and usually includes one or all of the other success goals. People define their version of success and then pursue it. Usually it means a sense of fulfillment and peace, which I will discuss later on.
Freedom. Whether as individuals or groups, freedom has rightly been a pursuit and definition of success. America, even with its faults, is still the epitome of freedom. As individuals, we want to be able to choose our own destiny, to wake up every day and do what we want to, as opposed to what someone else wants us to do.
Healthy relationships. Let’s face it, life is not lived alone. We are in a plethora of relationships, from the very superficial to the most intimate. Let’s also agree that unhealthy relationships are not good. Nothing can bring a person down quicker or for a longer time than trouble in a cherished relationship.
Health. The joy of success is not in the achievement of it, but the experience of
it. It is the conscious knowledge of your success, the fruit of your success, which brings fulfillment. Your health is perhaps the most cherished of all possessions.
So what is success? It is wholeness in every area of your life.
Chris Widener is an internationally recognized speaker, author and radio host.