Yang The Peerless
In the old days, a man named Yang Fu Kui was strongly driven to learn a secret fighting art taught only to family members. Realizing that he would not gain entrance as a student because he was not a relative, he disguised himself as a butler and worked for the family to get inside of their village.
While posing as a butler, Yang would secretly and carefully watch the Master teaching his students. Yang even woke up from sleep to spy on the Master teaching special techniques to his disciples in the middle of the night. When no one was watching, Yang would go off outside of the village to practice what he had watched during the day.
On one occasion while the Master was away on business, a man came to challenge the head of the village to a fight. Since he was not present, the man began taking on the disciples, one after another, and defeated them. Every three days, the challenger would come back and defeat another disciple in the family.
The challenger would have defeated the whole village, but to the surprise of everyone, Yang stepped in and beat him. The jig was up for Yang, because his secret that he had been spying and learning the style was out. In those days, stealing a secret style of martial art would have been punishable by death, but Yang wanted to save the honor of the family.
When the Master returned and heard the story, he didn’t have Yang killed, but instead trained him fully for saving their honor. Yang realized his dream, because his strong drive to learn the art let nothing stand in his way. Through his talent and strong drive, Yang became a great fighter and received the nickname “Yang the Peerless.”