Setting Yourself Up for the Best Results


In Martial Arts, your technique, abilities, and overall performance depend on how you prepare. A philosophical approach to preparing well in Martial Arts is through ‘No Pain, No Gain.’ You prepare yourself for class by stretching and warming up. This is to prevent injury and to give your body a wake up call. By preventing an injury, you prolong your ability to endure. By waking up your muscles, you strengthen them, as a way to help them further endure as well.

On top of preparing yourself for Martial Arts success, enduring the pain and hardships of training can then prepare you for the rest of your life. From one preparation, you enter another. Whether it be at school, home, out for your friends, or in training, you have to prepare yourself for challenges and prepare to prevent danger and trouble. You can always connect your life struggles back to the struggles of your training, then use those same inspirations and motivations to help you overcome adversity anywhere.


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The Dissatisfied Stone Cutter