Veracity and Sincerity
Without veracity and sincerity, politeness is a farce and a show. “Propriety carried beyond right bounds,” says Masamuné, “becomes a lie.” An ancient poet has outdone Polonius in the advice he gives: “To thyself be faithful: if in thy heart thou strayest not from truth, without prayer of thine the Gods will keep thee whole.”
The Big-Thinking Swordsman
Long ago there was a great swordsman. As he approached his 80th birthday, he realized that the time had come to select a successor to teach his students for the next generation. His top two students were both great swordsmen and teachers. He decided to devise a test to see which of the two should be the next master of the school.
You will only get the most out of martial arts training when you have a joy for learning. A high level of skill does not come to those who are fainthearted, it’s reserved for those willing to struggle to learn deep mysteries found in what seems simple. You must have a mind that is ready to learn in order to walk a path of mastery.
Decrease Portion Sizes
Your Daily Food Plan helps you manage your daily intake by recommending the amount of food you need from each food group. Your portions at each meal do not need to be any specific amount-but to stay within your energy needs, the total amount you eat each day should match the total amount recommended for each group. For example, 1 regular slice of bread counts as 1 ounce of grains. This doesn’t mean that you have to eat a sandwich with one piece of bread. It just means that if you eat two slices, you should count them both toward your total grain intake for the day.
Setting Yourself Up for the Best Results
On top of preparing yourself for Martial Arts success, enduring the pain and hardships of training can then prepare you for the rest of your life. From one preparation, you enter another. Whether it be at school, home, out for your friends, or in training, you have to prepare yourself for challenges and prepare to prevent danger and trouble. You can always connect your life struggles back to the struggles of your training, then use those same inspirations and motivations to help you overcome adversity anywhere.
The Dissatisfied Stone Cutter
Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around. It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. “How powerful the sun is!” he thought. “I wish that I could be the sun!”
Preparation is a key to success. In order to achieve your goals, you must write down a clear and specific plan. A clear and specific plan is like a blueprint for a house or a map for finding a location. If you don’t write out your plans, they will become easy to forget.
Martial arts training offers you an opportunity to explore ways of acting
with increasing balance, grace, and effectiveness in everyday situations of conflict or stress. Guided by principles of movement, harmony, and connectedness from martial arts, you can sharpen practical skills for communicating, dealing with conflict, and cultivating a grounded way of being present, even in chaotic situations.
What is Success?
Success has been an elusive term since the beginning of time. For ages, men and women have pursued that which would make them happy and fulfilled. At the same time they have tried to determine that which would make them feel as though they have achieved success.
The Bamboo Farmer
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived in a farming community and
had farmed all of his life. As time passed, he became bored with farming traditional crops, so he began researching alternatives. He knew that success was a choice. Therefore, he began researching and speaking with experts before making his final decision.
Cook More Often at Home
Over the last few decades, Americans have been eating out more and cooking at home less often. When you cook at home, you can often make better choices about what and how much you eat and drink than you do when eating out. Cooking can also be a fun activity and a way for you to spend time with family and friends.
The sense of honor, implying a vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth, could not fail to characterize the samurai, born and bred to value the duties and privileges of their profession. Though the word–ordinarily given nowadays as the translation of “honor”–was not used freely, the idea was conveyed by such terms as na (“name”) men-moku (“countenance”), guai-bun (“outside hearing”), reminding us respectively of the biblical use of “name,” of the evolution of the term “personality” from the Greek mask, and of “fame.” A good name–one’s reputation, or “the immortal part of one’s self, what remains being
The Ojack-Kyo Bridge
A long time ago, a king married his daughter Jick Nyo to a young man named Gyun Woo. Gyun Woo always rode on the back of a cow. Jick Nyo and Gyun Woo played all the time, and did not work. Sometimes, Gyun Woo rode his cattle in the royal garden. This made a terrible mess. The king became angry.
Success is Your Choice
When you first enrolled in martial arts class, you had in your mind the goal to become healthy and safe by training your mind, body, and spirit. These are the three areas that will help you become a good black belt. When you choose to be successful, you set a long -term goal. That goal is broken down into short-term goals that lead up to your ultimate achievement.
The Example of Two Brothers
A long time ago, there were two brothers, Nolbu and Hyungbu. Nolbu, the older brother, was rich and greedy. He was always competing with others. Hyungbu, the younger brother, was the opposite. He was poor and generous, but he was always competing with himself to get better.
The Opportunity Clock
When I was in college, I heard someone say something that has been with me ever since. It was something that demonstrated to me a positive attitude and the choice to take something that most people dread, and change it into a motivating factor. He called the alarm clock the “opportunity clock.”
Many people try to divide the makeup of a human being into different parts, and emphasize one or the other to improve their health. For example, most people work hard at developing their bodies, but forget about their minds and emotions. Some people work on their emotions, but they forget to work on their moral health. The martial arts community realizes that to build good health you have to work on the body, mind, emotions, and morals.
Clean Hands Save Lives
Most people know that handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from getting sick. But do you know the proper way to wash your hands? Follow these five steps every time you wash your hands to effectively kill germs:
4th of July
We wish you a happy fourth of July!!
From all of us at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Academy